Friday, October 29, 2021

Day 2!

Eating at Denny’s (again).  I am not superstitious, but I figure there’s nothing wrong with eating EXACTLY the same meal that I ate on Day 1.

Here’s my table:

I am the second largest stack, but not by much.  Today might be a slog after the small stack gets bounced.

Out of our group, we have four survivors: me, Wojo, Todd, and Mark.  Mark is the big stack with 184,500, which doesn’t surprise me - he has been very successful in the Houston game.  Here are their seat assignments:

We are also joined by our poker buddy John Granato, who  is doing well too at 94,000.


Bert really wants a waffle here at Denny’s, but they don’t make them here.  Actual dialogue:

WAITRESS:  Here are your pancakes.
BERT:  I didn’t order those.  I wanted waffles, but you don’t have them here.


Same outfit at Wednesday - but different black shirt.

40 minutes to Day 2!

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