Saturday, October 30, 2021

It’s Saturday afternoon here in Las Vegas, and I am sitting in the bingo room at the Gold Coast by myself, relaxing with some mindless activity after an intense day of poker, punctuated by a medical emergency for my friend Wojo.

First, Wojo - the reports are in from his wife Tammy:

I an volunteering to drive Wojo and Tammy home in a rent car if he can’t fly, but I am hopeful that he will be hale and healthy enough to manage the return trip by air.

So thank you for your kind thoughts for Wojo.

Re: poker.  My friend April asked me this morning how I rated my play this year in the tournament.  I told her that I was a happy A+ for about all but five minutes, and in those five minutes, I was an F-.

What I was afraid of happened:  I started worrying about my stack and played too, too, too loose on two hands against a stack that was about the same size as mine.  I gave away too many chips and really crippled my chance of making it into Day 3.

But … I really can’t complain.  This is a game that rewards patience and experience.  My tournament experience continues to grow and I am sure my patience will increase as my testosterone decreases.  By the time I get to the Super Seniors (age 60), I will be loaded for bear.

I leave you with these images of victory:

Now, dinner and Carrot Top!

1 comment:

  1. Nice cash finish Scott! It looks like Wojo will ein the day also - I take his wife’s report as good news. Please keep us posted. Safe journeys home for all!


It’s Saturday afternoon here in Las Vegas, and I am sitting in the bingo room at the Gold Coast by myself, relaxing with some mindless activ...