Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Things are slowing down for me. Two newcomers to the table are playing super-aggressive, re-raising preflop and putting people to the test.

This means I have to be more careful about my starting hands, and I’m already being very careful. This definitely slows down my creativity because my experience has been that guys like these are VERY hard to dislodge.

In fact, it was someone like these two who killed my long run at the last Seniors tournament. I bluffed preflop, the guy called, I bluffed after the flop, the guy called, I bluffed on the turn, the guy went all-in and I had to run away. He wasn’t playing his cards, he was playing mine, and he had the right read on me.  In short, it didn’t matter what his cards were - he just knew he would bully me off the hand.

I worry that the same thing would happen with these two guys on any kind of bluff, so I just need to wait for a monster hand.  THEN, I bet and they call and call and call and I win.


And just after writing that, I looked down at 77 and raised to 1200. One of the aggressive guys called me, and my heart sank a little.

The flop was Q64, so I bet 3000, figuring we both missed.  He folded the hand.  Whew!

Back to 44,700.


Second break - 44,500.

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