Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Back from break.  Had to walk about half a mile to get to a bathroom that didn’t have a really long line. The downside to playing with a bunch of old men - we all need to go when we need to go.

The hands keep coming - I caught an inside straight on the turn and one of the players bet into me. Still haven’t had to show a hand for a pot - I’m making good reads and attacking weak players.

The guy two seats to my left is a chiropractor from Georgetown, Texas - very nice man.  We exchanged broken back stories and our rehabilitation successes.

And the guy to my left who was irritable has become much more pleasant. This is what happens over time - this game would be BORING without the social interactions, just fold, fold, fold. So as long as we aren’t jerks, we get along and kind of root for each other.

The guy to my right who plays every hand has slowed down a little, but he was my huckleberry when I looked down at QQ preflop. I raised to 1000, he called. After the flop was 10 4 4, I bet 3000 and he called.  Worrying about a possible set of fours, we both checked it to the end.  When I showed the QQ, he mucked.

And that was the first showdown hand that I can remember so far.

A guy in a glossy black leather hat with long gray hair was our first departure from Bronze 54.  He was kind of a hoot - he went all-in with his 6000 chips about five or six times before getting felted by a newcomer to the table.  Every time he went all-in, he said, “Geronimo! It’s a good day to die.”

And eventually, it was!


Three hours in, I am at 44,500, up 24,500 from my original stack. This is good.

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