Wednesday, October 27, 2021

We’re now more than five hours into the tournament and I’ve hit a big lull.  No playable hands - nothing even close.

But as Billy V says, you got enough chips to wait this lull out.  And he’s right: every ten hands, the blind bets take 1300 chips away from me.  At this rate, if I don’t play another pot, I’m out of the tournament in about 320 hands.

So I wait.


Of the original Houston players, who started with me , two are out.  Bert “fell in love” with his pocket jacks and got bounced.  And Larry … well, here’s how he described it:


This is shorthand for Larry having the best hand all-in, and then abruptly not having the best hand on a highly improbable higher straight.  

Sorry, Larry!  Poker can sometimes really suck.

Just won a big hand on a stone bluff.  Started with J 10 hearts, four players limp to the flop.  The flop is AQ9, so I am open-ended to the straight.  I bet 4000, and get one caller.  We check the turn, and then she checks the river. I bet 5000, and she lets it go.

The key to that hand - she announced that this was her second buy-in today, so she was not going to be inclined to be sent home twice, especially since she’d only been at the table for about 20 minutes.

And then I give a little back to the aggressive guy next to me.  I’m playing J7 from the small blind, and we get five limpers because the big blind is a short stack and isn’t ready to go all-in.

Flop is AA8.  We all check.  The next card is a J, which I think might make me the best hand.  Last card is an 8.  I bet 1000.  One guy calls me, and then aggressive guy raises to 4000.  I call and he shows the third 8 that gives him a full house.  It was a good bet - low enough to make me call.

At 42,100.  Just treading water.

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