Saturday, October 30, 2021

Well, it’s over!

I had not been posting regularly because I was exhausted. Lots to report, but I will do that tomorrow.

Suffice to say, I was on fumes late in Day 2 when I got AK.  I went all-in and got called by an A7.  The A7 won when there were four hearts on the board and his ace of hearts filled the flush.

In a word, yuck.  But since I kind of did the same thing to another person in Day 1, I can’t complain.  I got the call I wanted, and it just didn’t work out.

I ended up finishing 149th, winning $3983.  That’s a pretty good return on my $1000 investment, and each of my backers will be getting $398.30 for their $100 contribution.  Tips are appreciated.

And I got written up on one of my hands in Poker News:

How cool is that?  Now off to bed!

P.S.  My great friend Wojciech is in the hospital with chest pains.  Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.  He is an amazing person and strong as an ox, but he and his wife Tammy need your love and support. 

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