Friday, October 29, 2021

And now that I’m in the money, the players are loosening up, big time!

Case in point:  I have 99.  I raise to 12000, and a guy calls me.  He had previously pushed me off a hand with a gross overbet, so I think he thought he owned me.

He didn’t.  The flop was 10 9 4.  I checked.  He bet 15000.  I groused about it, then raised him to 40000.  He goes all-in, and I snap-call with my 999.

And now I am 250,000.

And now I am 264,000.  KJ catches a jack on the flop, and two preflop raisers give up their hands to my 25000 raise.

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It’s Saturday afternoon here in Las Vegas, and I am sitting in the bingo room at the Gold Coast by myself, relaxing with some mindless activ...