Friday, October 29, 2021

First hand:  Q 10 spades, my lucky hand.  But I fold - Josh would be proud of me.  Flop is Q 10 2.  Sigh… 

Big stack takes it down with KQ.  Why do I listen to my son?


Played my first hand.  A7o in the big blind.  

Everyone folds to the small blind, who calls the 2500.  I want to defend my big blind, so I raise to 8500.  He calls. Flop is a lot of nothing, so he checks and I raise to 12,000.  Brief deliberation, then he folds.

I’m now at 103,000


The guy in Seat 1 just spiked a straight in an all-in showdown.  He had AK against AJ.  A jack hits the flop, putting AJ in the lead.  The turn and river improved the AK to an unlikely runner-runner straight.

I look up the guy at Seat 1 in the WSOP database.  His name is John Esposito, and he is a prolific player.  He has a bracelet and 55 cashes.  He’s gruff and focused, a little like late-period John Cassavetes.  I make a note to myself not to play against him if I can avoid it.



1 comment:

  1. Hey, I can comment.
    That took some fortitude to hold off on that Q10. I think it wise to play it less often. Gotta give up “favorites” in this game and play cards.
    Good Luck!


It’s Saturday afternoon here in Las Vegas, and I am sitting in the bingo room at the Gold Coast by myself, relaxing with some mindless activ...