Thursday, October 28, 2021

Good morning!

The WSOP elves updated the stats from yesterday’s event.  

Where am I out of the 486 remaining players?

I’m 211th, which is above the median point and probably above the average chip stack.

(By the way: I know I have an unusual last name, but I am struck by the other colorful names on that list:  Rambo, Zurn, Spitaleri, Goodly, Katzenmeier.  It’s like a lineup of characters in a Pynchon book.)

Wojo is on the list too at 325 (along with Klanduch, Emmett Hickey, Lineberry, Neuhauser, and Barca (who might be related to the guy who invented the BarcaLounger)).

There is a good recap of the first day here.

Today is a day off for me and Wojo while the next batch of Day 1 players start. Since this is a rebuy tournament, many of the players who busted out yesterday (some who busted out twice) will be trying again today.

I’m not a fan of rebuys. You are competing for the same prizes but you’ve now doubled your out of pocket expenses to get there.

But people get frustrated and the Seniors Tournament doesn’t happen again for another year, so the casino is happy to take your money to let you keep trying.

My poker buddies Rick, Mark, Todd, Greg, Samm, and John Carter (one of my favorite people in the world and a guy referred to by his full name at all times for reasons unknown) are playing today for the first time.  Bert, Billy and Larry are taking their second run at it.

Meanwhile, I will be playing bingo at the Gold Coast and pai gow poker at the Rio.


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