Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Final break of the day.  No report for the last two hours because there has literally been nothing to report.  My cards have been nonexistent for two hours, and when I catch a hand and raise preflop, I get pretty quick folds.

I’m at 49,500.  The blinds are now 1000/2000 with a 2000 ante each rotation.  This means I lose 5000 each orbit, so if I do nothing, I can play 100 more hands before I run out of chips.

Wojo is at about 65000.  He told me to relax and keep playing tight to make it to Day 2.  Sound advice.


And so, despite Wojo’s advice, the first hand out of the break is 77 and I raise to 6000.  The guy to my right calls the raise.  When I shove all in after the flop, he shows me AJ and says, “You’re driving me crazy.”

Then in rapid succession, I catch KK (fold to my raise) and KJs (fold to raise on the flop).  Just like that, I’m now at 71,500.

NOW, I’m going to be tight, tight, tight.

50 minutes left in the day. 

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