Wednesday, October 27, 2021

I’m slowly rebuilding my table reputation as tight-aggressive by firing hard on flops.  Like Sean Connery in “The Untouchables”-hard. No one has fired back yet at my big raises, which I think is because I’m playing so few hands.

Meanwhile, the guy next to me has reverted to raising on every other hand, playing big stack poker.  It may be that he’s on a rush of good hands, but he’s been doing this all day, so I think it’s just his style.


And now I’m at the dinner break with 53,900, having popped a few big hands, including a hand where the guy next to me said, “You don’t have an ace” as he folded, after which I agreed - showing him my two aces.

I’m blessed to have a poker crew here in Vegas supporting me and Wojo.  We’re eating Korean BBQ, which is pretty much the best food at the Rio.

Wojo is at 62,000 and has counseled me that we are probably in the 70th percentile of the remaining 900 or so players.  If we are careful, we will bag our chips and get to take Thursday off.

But I just need to be CAREFUL.  When I get tired, I start getting creative, which leads to disaster.  Slow and careful wins the day.

See you on the other side!

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