Wednesday, October 27, 2021

 Since I last wrote, Rick and Billy V went out:

It’s now me and Wojo, which keeps our 5% trade alive.  If either of us cashes, the other (or both) gets 5% of the cash. We’ve both done well in the tournament before, so there’s a pretty good chance one of us pays off.

Meanwhile, I’m back to 42,900 after my 10 10 held up against the guy to my right. He asked me if I had JJ, and I told him that I had tens. He told me he had AQ, and I believed him.


During the break, I told Billy and Wojo that this year’s event was turning out to be less fun than usual. Not sure why.

I’m still doubled up from my original stack, but it just seems like I’m only getting one or two playable hands an hour, and the players at this table are raising pretty much every hand.  No limping, and the raises are pretty substantial.

It’s kind of wearing me out, like sorting 10,000 pennies looking for a collector’s penny worth ten cents. You just want to find that coin and get on with it.

Still haven’t found that one coin that will double me up yet.  Not yet.


One of the super-aggressive players flamed out, his tens going down to AA.

And there are only two players left from the original table - me and the guy to my right, who now has a pretty big stack - about 70,000 chips.

But my 45,000 ain’t bupkis.  And I just got my first aces of the tournament.  Two players raised to 2500 ahead of me, so I raised to 12,000.  They went away, and now I’m at 50K even.

Still shooting for 80K, which is what Wojo told me to target for the end of the day.

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