Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Tournament day!

I had a decent night’s sleep. I remember dreaming that I was in a bedroom that had a sliding door to the back yard, and some guy was peering into the house while I was getting ready for the day. He opened the sliding door and began to come inside the bedroom, but I confronted him and he left. Later in the dream, it comes out that the guy steals from everyone in the neighborhood.

As a Certified Dream Interpreter, the dream was not exactly difficult to suss out - the guy trying to steal from me is EVERYONE ELSE at the tournament, and I successfully defended my house (my chips) against being taken.

My poker buddy Wojo has a different theory.

“YOU are the man on the outside of the house,” he said.  “You just retired after fighting crime all those years - and now you are on the other side!  You want to take their stuff.”

Billy V, across the table, said, “I’m not telling you my dreams.”

Breakfast today is a 9-grain pancake, sausage and fruit at Denny’s. Wojo is holding forth on how to make it to Day 2.

“Don’t get greedy! Just double up twice and you’re in the top 12 percent.”

Jonathan, listening closely and smiling, says, “That’s all?Just double up twice. Don’t know why I didn’t think of that.”

Wojo is not deterred. “If you have two pair, before you call a big bet, ask yourself ‘What do I beat?’  Don’t get greedy, if the guy is pushing you, he probably has you beat.  We’re all going to make it to Day 2!”

I feel like I’m in the first scene of Reservoir Dogs, when Mr. Pink is detailing his theory of Madonna’s song “Like a Virgin.” The best conversations take place at Denny’s.


Bert eats a big breakfast, as usual:

Less than an hour to cards flying.

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