Tuesday, October 26, 2021

And this is what it looks like to buy into a $1000 poker tournament:

It is still a little unnerving, even now, to put ten hundred dollar bills down, never to see them again.

I have been assigned to Table 54, Seat 7, in Brasilia Bronze.

Brasilia is one of the satellite rooms, overflow from the main room for the larger tournaments. 

All things equal, I prefer starting in the main room because you are less likely to be moved early in the tournament. A lot of poker is about getting to know the players and their styles, which takes time. If your table gets broken up and redistributed quickly, you just move into new situations and have to start anew in figuring out your playing companions.

The first year I cashed, I literally played the entire tournament in two tables. I knew the players at both tables really well, which gave me a lot of information when making critical decisions.

In 2019, I was moved to several tables during my three day run. Fortunately, I was running hot and coming to each table with a very big stack each time.  That made me the scary new guy to the players at my new tables, meaning that instead of me having to figure them out, they had to figure me out.

Anyway, I am hoping location won’t matter much - if I run hot, they can put me anywhere they want.


Playing 1-3 Hold ‘Em cash poker right now and up $35. I need to win a little more to make up for my likely Astros loss.  

Not good to chase losses with more betting, but when in Vegas, I can indulge my inner problem gambler.  (My wife does NOT endorse this perspective, by the way.)

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