Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Travel day!

Last night was our poker league’s monthly tournament. Although I did not cash - the quality of play is very high and they are mostly onto my tactics - I noticed that when I played conservatively (as I do in the big Vegas tournament), I was doing well.

So I am not going to read anything negative into last night’s results. And, for what it’s worth, I won the monthly tournament last month and letting other players win every now and then is good for my overall karma. (If you are in my poker league, you know I am kidding about that - I never let anyone else win if I can help it. I am my father’s son - a smiling poker Ninja.)

Anyway, I got a mostly good night sleep. As a recent retiree, I have fewer racing thoughts interfering with my restfulness. But I do find myself peeing more at night, so it’s not perfect. Old age - the gift that keeps on giving (until it very abruptly stops giving altogether).


I debated my wardrobe this morning and decided against being the Man in Black this year.  Instead, I’m trying out brown and avuncular, with black accents.

To take this picture, I snuck my mask off briefly. One of the recurring themes of this blog is going to be a dispatch from Vegas during Covid, and what they are doing to mitigate risk. I hear that they are pretty strict - masks on at all times throughout the hotel and casino … except at the table, which seems to be the exception that might swallow the rule.

To address that, I stopped at Randall’s and bought some KN95 masks - purportedly 95% effective in screening particles. Check out my carry-on, filled with trail mix and face masks:

I’m sharing these with my roomie Bert, but he already has the gold standard mask - an N95:

We are getting called to the gate, so I will check back in with you later.  Wish me a safe flight!

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